Tag: Response to Text

Response to text.


Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.


  1. The technique of looking for and locating objects on the shore to navigate is called?


  1. a) Navigation 
  2. b) Dead Reckoning
  3. c) Piloting
  4. d) Lighthouses


2.What is dead reckoning


  1. a) Using objects on the shore to navigate        
  2. b) Recording how far you have travelled in each direction based on a fixed point
  3. c) Using the stars and Sun to decide which way to go
  4. d) Making dead people decide which way to go


  1. Using the Sun, Moon, and stars to navigate is called?


  1. a) Celestial movement b) Global Positioning System
  2. c) Celestial Navigation d) none of the above


  1. Explain, in your own words, how you think GPS (Global Positioning Systems) work.


Global Positioning System satellites transmit signals to GPS receivers on the ground.


  1. True or False: Submarines use high frequency radiation to navigate underwater.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. What are the people outside of an aircraft who help navigate planes called?


  1. a) Pilots b) Navigators
  2. c) Air Traffic Controllers d) Playstation Controllers


celestial Because they can see Earth, they can use it as well as the other planets and stars pertaining to the spiritual or invisible heaven
global             positioning system (GPS). These systems use satellites that orbit, or travel around, Earth. operating on a group of similar strings, commands, etc in a single step.
compass  charts, and chronometers (precise timekeeping devices) help navigators with dead reckoning and piloting. the enclosing line or limits of any area perimeter.


  1. Explain: Birds were released by navigators from ships to find land, but how else, do you think, navigators could use wild birds to find land?


used the behaviour of birds to locate land – they would keep a bird on bird, and release it. If it returned, there was no land nearby – if the bird did not return, they would follow the birds direction towards new lands.


Response to text

Computers Pt. 2

Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.


  1. What is the name of the inventor of the first computer?


  1. a) Charlie Babbage
  2. b) Charles Cabbage
  3. c) Charlie Cabbage
  4. d) Charles Babbage


  1. In the first electronic computers, what were the electronic switching devices called?


  1. a) Vacuum Cleaners        b) Transistors
  2. c) Vacuum Tubes     d) Microprocessors


  1. What is the language of 1s and 0s that computers are able to understand called?


  1. a) English           b) Javascript
  2. c) Binary Code d) None of the above


  1. Rearrange the letters of DOG in binary code to read GOD? Put the Binary Code below


G)11100110 O)11110110 D)00100110


  1. True or False: The first electronic computers cost millions of dollars.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. Which piece of hardware made personal computers possible, and more affordable in the 1960s?


  1. a) CPUs b) Transistors
  2. c) Vacuum Tubes d) Motherboards


mechanical Operated by machine My chrome book is mechanical
complex consisting of many different and connected parts. My new phone is a very nice complex phone.
coding the process of assigning a code to something for classification or identification. I use scratch for coding


  1. Explain: What do you think computers of the future will be like? What will be different from our computers now?


→Computers would be Virtual.